Gioia Laura Iannilli
The lecture is available here. The American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought is pleased to announce the second annual William S. Minor Lecture. Dr. Gioia Laura Iannilli, recipient of the 2019 William S. Minor Dissertation Fellowship, will present her research under the title “‘Experience Design,’ and Creativity: Starting from John Dewey’s Conception of Substance and Form,” on Sunday, July 28, 2019 at 3:00. The location is AIPCT, 411 N. 9th Street, Murphysboro, IL, 62966. The Lecture is made possible by the generous support of the Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity and its affiliated Societies.

William S. Minor
Gioia Laura Iannilli is a PhD candidate in Aesthetics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Philosophical-Social Sciences). Her research at AIPCT addresses the modalities through which the implicit component of experience is constituted from a specifically aesthetic viewpoint. She holds a PhD in Aesthetics from the University of Bologna (Architecture), from which she holds an MA in Visual Arts and a BA in Philosophy. Since 2013 she has been a tutor for graduate courses in “Theory of Creative Processes” and “Everyday Aesthetics”in the Fashion Culture and Management program, Department for Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna. She has taught Aesthetics of Design at the University of Florence in collaboration with Tongji University (Shanghai). Her areas of expertise are Deweyan Aesthetics, Everyday Aesthetics, Aesthetics of Design, Aesthetics of Fashion, Aesthetics of New Technologies. She has authored a book, L’estetico e il quotidiano: Design, Everyday Aesthetics, esperienza (2019) on these topics. She is currently book review editor of Studi di Estetica – Italian Journal of Aesthetics, and member of the editorial board of the “International Lexicon of Aesthetics.”