Kenneth W. Stikkers presents the 5th Lewis Hahn Lecture, July 27, 2019, 7 PM

7:00 PM: The lecture may be viewed here. Kenneth W. Stikkers, “Rethinking Economics as Moral Philosophy.” Professor presents the fifth Lewis Hahn Memorial Lecture at AIPCT in Murphysboro on July 27, 2019, at 7:00 PM. . The lecture is sponsored by the Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity and its affiliated Societies for the Philosophy of Creativity. Dr. Stikkers is Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is author of many articles in the philosophy of economics, and he is co-editor of Philosophy in a Time of Economic Crisis (Routledge, 2017). In keeping with our new format, two younger scholars will speak on the work of Dr. Stikkers earlier in the day. See below. At 6:00 there will be pizza for those who attend the afternoon sessions and will remain for the main lecture at 7:00.


4:30 PM: The lecture may be viewed here. Michael Schleeter, “On the Good(s) of Economics: Reflections on the Social Economics of Kenneth Stikkers.” Dr. Schleeter received a B.A. in Philosophy, Comparative Literature, and Biology from the University of Minnesota and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Penn State University. He is currently Associate Professor of Philosophy at Pacific Lutheran University, where he regularly teaches courses in ethics, applied ethics, and political philosophy, as well as courses in the philosophy of gender and the philosophy of race. His areas of scholarly interest include the philosophy of economics and, more recently, evolutionary ethics and aesthetics. In his free time, he enjoys watching films, reading novels, cooking, playing guitar, and engaging in all manner of general nerdery.


3:00 PM: The lecture may be viewed here. Zach Thanasilangkul, “Toward Ethical Economies, or How to Move on after Killing Your Mother.” Zach is an SIU Philosophy alum from Rockford, Illinois, currently working toward an MA in Economics at the University of Denver.  While under the compassionate direction of Ken Stikkers, he became interested in economic democracy and the application of social and political philosophy, especially post-anarchism, to the study of the economy.  Now, his graduate research focuses on worker cooperatives, contemporary Marxism, and alternative approaches to community development, and he also consults nonprofits for social impact as a CiviCO Fellow at the Barton Institute for Philanthropy and Social Enterprise.  Zach hopes that, one day, the world will be a better place than it is now. He is committed to doing his part to make that happen.


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